There Are Some Things You Just Don’t Do After A Break-Up
When you are in a relationship, you can often believe that they are going to last forever and that you are never going to be alone again…happy days. And then boom! It’s over. Despair and desperation sets in and all rationality goes out the window, along with your self respect, and you can do some rather stupid things, hoping to get your love back.
So if you are the recent victim of a recent break-up, tr not to do any of the following silly and rather embarrassing things…
- Beg – You aren’t a dog or a performing seal so whatever you do, don’t beg. You may as well screw up your dignity into a ball and throw it in the bin, because there is nothing dignified about begging for them to take you back. It certainly wont change their mind, you will look an idiot and will look back on the incident with disgust eventually.
- Borderline Stalk – If you want to show your embarrassingly high level of desperation and possible get a restraining order in the process, by all means text, call, email and surprise visit your ex-partner constantly. Why not show up at their place of work unannounced with a self-composed love song ready to play. Of course that is meant sarcastically, instead of putting all that energy into pestering your ex, you could be using it to move on.
- Feel Sorry For Yourself – It may surprise you, but you are not the only person who has ever been through a break-up. Spending all you time wallowing in self-pity is not healthy – by all means cry or get angry to release all those negative feelings so you can move on. Don’t wallow in them, instead keep busy with friends and hobbies to keep your attention elsewhere.
- Rebound – So you have been kicked out of their bed and throw yourself straight into another in order to feel desired. Give yourself time to heal on your own and get over your broken heart – don’t use someone else to make yourself feel better, you could end up hurting them and that isn’t fair.
- Surround Yourself With Mementos – If your break-up follows a long-term relationship, you probably will have lots of gifts, mementos and framed photographs of you together. Now that the relationship is over, it is time to pack all of those things away and give yourself a clean break. Surrounding yourself with the dead relationship is sure to make you sad and tempted to get in touch with your ex, which is not the best idea when the pain is so fresh.
So to all the brokenhearted out there, try to remember that although it hurts now, the pain will pass eventually and you will move on. So just wait it out and trust me, you will be fine.
Check out our Facebook Page and give yourself a few giggles to get over that break-up.
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