Flirt In Your Relationship To Keep Thing Super Spicy Flirting is one of life's simple pleasures - it's fun, makes you feel good and adds a little bit of excitement to the everyday. But, once you find yourself comfortable in a relationship, it can be easy to let the flirtatious side of your relationship to slip - and along with it so may the excitement. Will this lead you … [Read more...]
Flirt Your Way To A Successful Relationship
Use These Seduction Techniques To Flirt Your Way To A Successful Relationship If you are determined to bag that man or just want to add a little but of pep into your relationship, why not turn on that charm and get flirtatious. Now before you get carried away there is no need to start acting like the star of a low budget adult film (you know the ones I mean). seduction … [Read more...]
High Achievers Are Jealous Partners
The More Intelligent An Individual The More Likely They Are To Be Jealous Partners According to a new study from Roanoke College in Virginia has found that intelligent and high achieving individuals are more jealous than their under-achieving and less intelligent counterparts. The researchers found that the higher a person's grades the more likely they are to experience … [Read more...]
New Ways To Flirt With Your Husband
Keep Chemistry Alive and Flirt With Your Husband Marriage by no means signals an end to flirting, you have a partner there whom you can flirt with whenever the mood takes you. What better way is there to keep the chemistry alive an fizzling? So ladies, have a little fun and flirt with your husband, we guarantee he will love it... Little Love Notes - Use your lipstick … [Read more...]
Is Flirting Cheating?
To Flirt or Not to Flirt? Is flirting cheating? It is a question that surely troubles anyone in a relationship that finds themselves tempted to engage in a playful banter with an attractive colleague, friend or acquaintance. It's important to remember that just because you are flirting with someone outside the relationship, doesn't mean that you have the intention of taking … [Read more...]