Learn to Flirt with Touch and Increase a Connection Have you ever wondered why your relationships seem to fizzle out before they have even begun? Or are you not feeling that spark of chemistry and passion and don't know what's missing. Many wonder why the second date doesn't happen, why the first kiss was lacking something or why the excitement has gone out of the bedroom. … [Read more...]
Can You Flirt On LinkedIn?
Well Of Course You Can, But Should You Flirt On LinkedIn? For those of you that don't know LinkedIn is a social networking site that helps professionals and the like to connect with others on business matters. It's a place where ambitious individuals discuss their career achievements and goals, share their resumes and receive endorsements from happy clients and co-workers. … [Read more...]
Foolproof Flirting Tips For Women
Flirting Tips To Bag The Man Of Your Dreams Being a skillful flirt doesn't have to involve plenty of banter and chat-up lines. It is possible to woo a guy using just the power of your body language. So here are a few little tips for learning how to flirt, without having to say a word... Surrender the Power (for now) - Although confidence is sexy, let the guy be the one … [Read more...]
Flirty Body Language Of An Interested Woman
Is That Flirty Body Language? Most guys have been there, talking to a gorgeous girl and thinking it is going well, but you want to be sure. If only there was some way to read that girl like a book. Well you can read their body language, which is the next best thing. It will show you if she is interested in you in more than a platonic way. So what signs should you be … [Read more...]
How To Flirt Like A Pretty Disney Princess
How To Flirt - The Disney Princess Edition Every girl/woman has at some point in their lives, dreamed about being a Disney princes - beautiful, demure and caring. Well now you can at least learn to flirt like one with these quick tips. And before you go thinking this must be a joke, remember every Disney princess manages to get her Prince Charming to take her down the … [Read more...]