What Should You Do When Your Partner's Friend Gets Flirty With You? There are so many flirting dilemas that you will have to negotiate throughout your life time. And truth be told, you are not going to get them all right, in fact you're probably going to make a lot of mistakes throughout your life time. But, it will be a learning experience and you will know what to do, or … [Read more...]
Why Women Flirt When In Relationships
Why Do Some Women Flirt Like Crazy When They Are In Relationships? Why does it seem that some women flirt way more when they are in a relationship and not with their partner either? They were sweet and reserved when you met them, only having eyes for you and you couldn't possibly imagine them flirting with anyone else. But as soon as you have locked them into a … [Read more...]
How To Keep That Flirt In The Friend Zone
You love your friends, there is no denying that, and you want to continue spending time with them, but you wish they would just accept that their place is in the friend zone. Their playful flirting was fun at first, because you thought it was all harmless fun, but you have begun to suspect that they may want to take that flirting a little bit further. The jokes have got dirtier … [Read more...]
Is Your Partner Flirting Online?
What Should You Do If You Catch Your Partner Flirting Online? Thanks to the accessibility of the internet, and particularly social networking sites, it is easy to connect with people from all over the world at the touch of a few buttons. With such ease can come temptation - A pretty girl or handsome guy, pays you some attention and you think 'what would be the harm in … [Read more...]