Learn to Flirt with Touch and Increase a Connection Have you ever wondered why your relationships seem to fizzle out before they have even begun? Or are you not feeling that spark of chemistry and passion and don't know what's missing. Many wonder why the second date doesn't happen, why the first kiss was lacking something or why the excitement has gone out of the bedroom. … [Read more...]
What Type Of Flirt Are You?
Different Types of Flirt Flirting is fun, usually harmless and often a great way to meet that next special someone, but have you ever wondered what kind of flirt you are? A study in 'Communication Quarterly' has discovered that there are five distinct types of flirt, based on a study of over 5,020 single adults. Co-author of the paper Jeffery Hall, an assistant professor of … [Read more...]
What Men Really Mean
What do men really mean? Guys can be such an enigma. Guys can say a lot of things when they are trying to make a new romanitic connections. The chances are, you have heard all the lines many times before, but never really knew what they were actually trying to say to you. You know they are flirting with you, or at least you think they are flirting with you, but you wish they … [Read more...]
Want Relationship Success? Say Thanks
For any kind of relationship success, you only need to say thank you It seems the secret to a successful relationship is way more simple that anyone could have thought. It isn't little surprise gifts, it isn't sharing a Facebook page and it isnt a foot rub at the end of the day. The secret to relationshup success is saying thank you. And it is not just romantic relationships … [Read more...]
Flirting is Essential
Evolutionary Psychologists Reveal that Flirting is Essential to the Human Races Survival According to evolutionary psychologists the human race would not have progressed if it was not for flirting, as it is an essential courtship device. It turns out that flirting is a natural human instinct, much like the need to eat, drink, sleep and mate. It is something that is universal … [Read more...]