I Want You to Notice Me When a relationship first begins, infatuation is the order of the day - you only have eyes for each other and can't spend enough time together. There is no saying on how long this infatuation will last, but it is an almost certainty that the intensity of the feeling will eventually fade into something more enduring. However, it is easy to feel under … [Read more...]
Things To Know About Your Partner
There is nothing wrong with knowing all there is to know about your partner before really committing. They may say that love is blind, that some people you can't help but love. So you turn a blind eye to some things and don't ask about others for fear of what the answer may be. But, ignorance is not always bliss, and trusting someone completely without really knowing them may … [Read more...]
Relationship Misconceptions Women Have About Men
Common relationship misconceptions you probably have about your man, he isn't that bad really. Some women think when their man is out with his boys, he can't wait to talk about them behind their back - laughing at all the embarassing things they do and giving away your big secrets. You're sure the moment your back is turnedĀ he is doing something he wouldn't want you to know … [Read more...]
Friends That Are Bad For Your Relationship
You might love them, but some of your friends are just toxic to your relationship. Friends are awesome, no doubt about it. We probably wouldn't get through life without them to hold our hands through the bad times, and laugh with us through the good. But, there are some friends that aren't as good for you as they seem - they may unknowingly or totally knowingly be sabotaging … [Read more...]
Relationships In Australia – Men Under Pressure
Relationships in Australia - Are men in Australia under pressure to perform in the bedroom? All you Australians out there may be aware of the 'Stronger Relationships Program', which was recently introduced by Minister for Families, Kevin Andrews. The program gives couples $200 to build their relationship with the help of guidance counsellors. Just a month into the … [Read more...]