Men Can Make So Many Dating Mistakes A few weeks ago I went into the dating mistakes that women make, so it is only fair that I include a piece on the dating mistakes that men make, because they can be just as bad as women. You might think that you are the most charming man any lady could hope to meet, when in fact you have blown your chance before you have even opened … [Read more...]
Is Your Flirting A Sign Of Sexual Addiction?
Has Sexual Addiction Become A Problem For You? Before you start panicking, you should know that flirting is completely normal, so don't fret that you are a full blown sex addict just because you winked at the bus driver this morning. Flirting is a healthy part of the courting ritual and can have some seriously positive effects on out mental well-being. However, in some … [Read more...]
Why Women Flirt When In Relationships
Why Do Some Women Flirt Like Crazy When They Are In Relationships? Why does it seem that some women flirt way more when they are in a relationship and not with their partner either? They were sweet and reserved when you met them, only having eyes for you and you couldn't possibly imagine them flirting with anyone else. But as soon as you have locked them into a … [Read more...]
What Women Hate – Men’s ‘Sexy’ Voice
Guys, Do You Know That Women Hate That Voice You Think Is So Sexy? Guys, you have spotted a gorgeous girl across the room, she has given you the smile and you make your way over to her ready the charm the pants of her. You open your mouth ready to woo her with that special sexy voice of yours...STOP! Women just can't stand your 'sexy' voice - it could in fact be called a … [Read more...]
How To Approach Women At A Bar
It Can Feel Like Throwing Yourself Into A Lion's Den, But You Can Approach Women At A Bar It's a nerve wracking experience approaching a women in a bar - she is standing there looking all beautiful and you're almost sure you're going to trip and fall flat on your face on the walk over there. Your legs have completely turned to jelly and your throat has completely closed up … [Read more...]