Can You Flirt With Girls?
It’s funny how many guys actually think they can flirt with girls, when in actual fact they couldn’t catch a girl with a net and Leonardo Di Caprio as bait. The reality is that it isn’t that hard to flirt with girls, you only need the right tools and you will be hooking some real beauties with your lines.
The first thing is really simple…Look Good. Rolling from bed to the bar, is not going to attract the ladies, it will actively repel them. Take a shower, make an effort to smell good and put on a nice shirt.
Although looks might get your foot in the door, but it is your Personality that will have her asking you to come in for coffee. There is certainly something unique about your personality, don’t try and be something you are not to impress her…is she isn’t impressed by the real you, someone out there will be.
Make Eye Contact, it is the perfect way to make a connection and it shows that you have genuine interest in what she is saying. If you decide to make lingering eye contact with her chest instead, she will know exactly what your after…and it isn’t her mind.
Read the full story on Men’s Health Advisor.
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