Learn To Deal With Rejection And Keep Playing The Flirting Game
There is no denying it, any kind of rejection is touch, but it is rejection in the dating world that can really sting. It is the kind of rejection that can seriously affect your confidence and stop you from approaching anyone else new, just so you can avoid experiencing that feeling again. But, avoiding the issue is not the answer, it is better to accept that rejection is a part of life, so you can move on from it when it happens.
Rejection hurts so much because it is a major hit to our ego, which is the what holds our feelings of pride, self worth and self esteem. When we take a hit to our ego (unless you are chronically arrogant, which s probably a bigger problem), we blame ourselves, assuming that the rejection was caused by a flaw we have – that there is something wrong with us. But, that is not necessarily the case – here are some ways of dealing with rejection that will help you see that…
- Don’t Take It Personal – Rejection stings because we have an emotional attachment to the person that is dishing out the rejection. It you had no feelings towards them whatsoever , the rejection would have no effect and you would carry on as normal. But, because of stupid feelings, we carry the rejection like a burden, blaming the whole thing on ourselves. However, a rejection often has nothing to do with you – because you are hurt, you forget that there could be so much going on in that person’s life that their is no room to invite you in. Remember, you can’t draw conclusions for someone else.
- It’s Not You – The crueler a rejection, the bigger the bigger the insecurities the person doing the rejection has. You can take some comfort in knowing that a lot of the time it really isn’t you and a rejection comes from someone acting on their own fears and feelings of self-worth.
- It Happened For A Reason – Immediately after a rejection, we convince ourselves that we will feel hurt forever, but the pain and embarrassment is fleeting. Once it is over you can accept that the flirtation or infatuation is over and now you have closure. Although it may hurt at first, it will help you to move on in the long run onto bigger and better things.
- You’ve Beat It Before – For most people rejection is something that occurs several times over their lifetime, from childhood to adulthood. A rejection from a potential partner may cause an overreaction, because of subconscious memories of previous rejections. Remember, you have beaten this pain before and are a better and stronger person because of it.
So next time you face rejection, or are worried that you may face rejection, think bout these points and remember that it is not the worst thing that could happen.
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