Textual Seduction
Thanks to the digital age, there are more ways than ever to get your flirt on, such as through social networking sites, through email or even with a few cheeky text messages. So how do you flirt via text? It is a difficult one, because there is no way to detect tone through the written word. Sarcasm could me mistaken for truth and a naughty flirt could be mistaken for sleaze.
Well the first thing to remember the level of the flirting should depend on the relationship with the object of your desire. If you barely known them, sending risque photographs of yourself could be seen as sexual harassment. If you have a long standing relationship sending a simple ‘Hi, how are you?’ is going to seem very boring.
Need a few tips? Fear not, that’s what we are here for…
- Don’t be too needy – Don’t be texting 50 times a day wondering what they are doing, be patient, they will get back to you when he/she can.
- Send Pictures – Not pictures like that before you even go there, send a funny picture you have seen or even better a funny picture you have taken yourself. It will show you have a sense of fun.
- Share Experiences – Live a full life, it will give you a host of interesting stories to exchange through text and make you seem exciting too.
- Take the initiative – If things are going well, ask what he/she is doing tonight. It may be all you need to get the desired date.
Text away my lovelies…
Read the full story at RSD Nation.
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