There’s no denying that technology has helped many develop and improve relationships. Many of us would not be in a relationship if it was not for the internet and a lot of relationships are kept spicy with a saucy text message or two. But technology hasn’t been all good for relationships, and not just your romantic relationships either – technology can have a negative effect on all types of relationship, from professional to platonic, romantic to related.
Whilst some of us can detach oursleves from our technology without relying on it too much, some feel like they have lost their most important limb when they have been separated from their phone or access to the internet. They may find their dependance on technology being detrimental – if any of the following seems famiiar, you may want to try and wean yourself off the tech…
- The World Deserves To See My Food – You’re out for a romantic meal with your significnt other and your beloved is trying to tell you how wonderful you look, but you are too busy trying to get the perfect picture of your starter for Instagram. Then of course you have to refresh your feed every few seconds to see how many likes your food picture gets. Then you have to also take pictures of the main meal and dessert, because you can’t go for a meal without letting the world know what you had to eat. What kind of person would that make you? The kind of person who is soon to be single because you give Instagram more attention than you’re partner.
- ‘Sick Day’ Stitch Up – You decide you going to pull a sick ay at work because the sun is out and you want hit the beach to top up your tan. But this is where social media decides to stick you up – maybe your friend tags you in a status outlining your plans or you stupidly tag yourself at the beach to get a discount on ice cream. Your co-worker or boss sees it and bam! You’re in trouble and all because of your dependance on technology.
- Facebook Official – Why do some people refuse to accept their relationship is official unless it is verified on Facebook. For some reason there are people out there that need everyone on their Facebook page to know that they are in a relationship and with whom. If their new partner does not share their enthusiasm for disclosing every personal detail of their life on Facebook, then they immediately wonder why they are holding out. Is it because they want to keep their options open? Is it because they are not that into you? it couldn’t possibly be because they don’t care about what people on Facebook think , could it, therwise why have it? Remember people had relationships long before Facebook.
- What’s Quality Time? – When Meeting up with friends or family for a catch up, none of you can actually tear yourselves away from your phones or computers to have a real conversation. Instead you just talk about someone’s outrageous Facebook status, or a bunch of embarassing pictures. Heaven forbid you actually talk about your own lives and strenthen your connection to one another – socialising with humans face to face, don’t be silly.
Any of those sound familiar? Then you are probably letting technology get in the way of your relationships. You will be amazed at what you can learn about a person if you just talk to them instead of trawling their Instagram and Facebook profiles. Technology is great, but so is face-to-face interaction.
Read the full story on E Online.
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