Designer Handbags Are Flirting Deterrents - An Excuse To Treat Yourself Maybe? Don't panic ladies, a designer handbag is not a flirting deterrent to guys, research has suggested that having a designer handbag can actually prevent other ladies flirting with your man. A study by The Carlson School of Management at the University of Minnesota found that if a woman spots another … [Read more...]
Types Of Guy You Should Not Sleep With
Girls, Do Not Let These Types Of Guy Into Your Bed Sex is no longer a dirty word, but that doesn't mean you should go around giving it to anyone who asks you. Even though it is 2013 women will still gain a negative reputation if they have sex with anyone who buys them a drink and be on the receiving end of degrading name calling and dirty looks. A guy on the other hand, will … [Read more...]
High Achievers Are Jealous Partners
The More Intelligent An Individual The More Likely They Are To Be Jealous Partners According to a new study from Roanoke College in Virginia has found that intelligent and high achieving individuals are more jealous than their under-achieving and less intelligent counterparts. The researchers found that the higher a person's grades the more likely they are to experience … [Read more...]
Is Face-To-Face Flirting Finished?
Has Face-To-Face Flirting Been Replaced By Digital Love Before the rise of the digital age, if you wanted to flirt, you had to do it face-to-face. Now it seems that more and more people are getting cheeky from behind their keyboards to avoid the face-to-face flirting. In a UK survey of 1,500 16-24 year-olds, 43% admitted that they 'tech flirt', using instant messaging … [Read more...]
When Does Flirting Go To Far
When Does Flirting Cross The Line Into Cheating? Most of us like a cheeky flirt now and then, and even if we are in a relationship most of the time the flirting is harmless, causing no threat to the relationship. However, there are those out there that can take their cheeky banter a little too far, crossing the line into something not so innocent. So when does flirting … [Read more...]